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Academic Progress

The government will not publish KS2 school level data for the 2021 to 2022 academic year. They have archived data from the 2018 to 2019 academic year because they recognise that the data from that year may no longer reflect current performance. 

Exam and assessment results from 2020 to 2021 are not published, as these have not been published as performance measures by the Secretary of State.

DfE Performance Tables 


KS2 SATs Results (2023-2024)



% of Children Working at Expected Standard

National % Working at Expected Standard

% of children working at Greater Depth Within the Expected Standard

Average scaled points score


Average Scaled Points Score


























Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar






Combined Reading, Writing and Mathematics








KS2 SATs Results (2022-2023)

% of Children Working at Expected Standard National % Working at Expected Standard % of Children Working at Greater Depth Within the Expected Standard Average Scaled Points Score (School)  Average Scaled Points Score (National) 
Reading  82% 73% 37% 106.61 105
Writing  82% 71% 31% N/A N/A
Mathematics 84% 73% 27% 105.06 104
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar 88% 72% 49% 108.90 105
Combined Reading, Writing and Mathematics 71% 59% 14% N/A N/A

KS2 SATs Results (2021-2022)

% of Children Working at Expected Standard National % Working at Expected Standard % of Children Working at Greater Depth Within the Expected Standard Average Scaled Points Score (School)  Average Scaled Points Score (National) 
Reading  90% 74% 42% 106.68 105
Writing  82% 69% 22% N/A N/A
Mathematics 81% 71% 8% 103.25 104
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar 92% 72% 32% 106.93 105
Combined Reading, Writing and Mathematics 73% 59% 7% N/A N/A


KS2 SATs Results (2018-2019)

% of Children Working at Expected Standard National % Working at Expected Standard % of Children Working at Greater Depth Within the Expected Standard Average Scaled Points Score (School) Average Scaled Points Score (National)
Reading 86% 73% 36% 107 104
Writing 93% 78% 37% N/A N/A
Mathematics 93% 79% 39% 107 105
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar 95% 78% 54% 110 106
Combined Reading, Writing and Mathematics 86% 65% 20% N/A N/A

KS2 SATs Results (2017-2018)

% of Children Working at Expected Standard National % Working at Expected Standard % of Children Working at Greater Depth Within the Expected Standard Average Scaled Points Score (School) Average Scaled Points Score (National)
Reading 98% 75% 40% 109 105
Writing 95% 78% 43% N/A N/A
Mathematics 93% 76% 33% 107 104
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar 98% 78% 64% 111 106
Combined Reading, Writing and Mathematics 91% N/A 17% N/A N/A

KS2 SATs Results (2016-2017)

% of Children Working at Expected Standard National % Working at Expected Standard % of Children Working at Greater Depth Within the Expected Standard Average Scaled Points Score (School) Average Scaled Points Score (National)
Reading 78% 71% 34% 106 104
Writing 95% 76% 36% N/A N/A
Mathematics 95% 75% 24% 107 104
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar 90% 77% 50% 110 106
Combined Reading, Writing and Mathematics 76% 61% 16% N/A N/A

KS2 SATs Results (2015-2016)

% of Children Working at Expected Standard National % Working at Expected Standard % of Children Working at Greater Depth Within the Expected Standard Average Scaled Points Score (School) Average Scaled Points Score (National)
Reading 72% 66% 23% 104.09 103
Writing 100% 74% 34% N/A N/A
Mathematics 89% 70% 21% 105.68 103
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar 89% 72% 30% 106.19 104

Combined Reading, Writing

and Mathematics

68% 53% 11% N/A N/A

Our Values

At Sandwich Junior School, the pupils and staff uphold our Core Values, which are at the centre of our school ethos and all that we do. They were first established by the pupils of our school, who chose specific animals that they felt represented the values and attitudes they should show every day, at school and at home:

The Wolf

Working together as a Wolf Pack, we are a community. Helping peers in difficult times, and celebrating our successes.

The Salmon

We always try our best – showing resilience, we never give up. We are always striving to reach the top and take risks with learning, as that is when we make our biggest leaps forward.

The Eagle

Aiming high to achieve the best we can be, and soaring high to reach our potential.

The Dolphin

When children enjoy their learning, they will achieve more.