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computing mission statement .pdf


Children at Sandwich Junior School live in a world where technology has become part of every aspect of our society; from the way we work, to the way we shop and even how we socialise. We are teaching computing to prepare our children for living and working in a digital society where technology is rapidly developing. Our teaching of computing equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world.

The computing Curriculum is divided into three main areas:

Computer Science - How computers and computer systems work and how they are designed and programmed

Information Technology - The purposeful use of existing programs to develop products and solutions

Digital Literacy - The skills, knowledge and understanding needed in order to participate fully in an increasing digital world.

whole school computing curriculum map 2022.pdf


Our curriculum allows the children to build a broad and balanced knowledge through experiencing computing through two paths. The first path is through teaching discrete computing skills, where children learn how to investigate and program, use technology to communicate information in the form of words and graphics, use the internet safely and effectively, handle data, store and, sort and retrieve information.

The second path allows children to have opportunities to use computing in a cross curricular manner, where children will use computing to support other areas of the curriculum. Such as word processing work for presentation, using Excel to create Spreadsheets in Math and Power Point to present research -  Year 6 children used Power Point to create travel brochures of Malaysia during Multicultural Week thinking about their audience and including hyperlinks.













The successful deliverance of Computing happens because of our very well-resourced Computing department. The children have access to a range of computing devices to support their learning. Within the school there is an interactive whiteboard in each classroom, Wireless internet connection across the school, a bank of full-size laptops, and a dedicated ICT suite. Each year group have access to a set of iPads to use for learning and practising spellings, times tables, phonics and for research. The key apps used are Spelling Shed, Times Table Rockstars, Flash Academy and My Maths.


When used correctly, technology can be a fantastic learning and social tool, but children need to have a clear understanding of the e-safety rules and expectations. By having a clear understanding of the e-safety rules and expectations will help children to stay safe online. Children are also taught how to report malicious activity.

Children are not only taught Online Safety as part of the Computing Curriculum but it is also visited during Anti-Bullying Week in November where cyber bullying is discussed and in February as part of Safer Internet Day.

Further information to support parents on how to support your child being using the internet at home can be found at:






Our Values

At Sandwich Junior School, the pupils and staff uphold our Core Values, which are at the centre of our school ethos and all that we do. They were first established by the pupils of our school, who chose specific animals that they felt represented the values and attitudes they should show every day, at school and at home:

The Wolf

Working together as a Wolf Pack, we are a community. Helping peers in difficult times, and celebrating our successes.

The Salmon

We always try our best – showing resilience, we never give up. We are always striving to reach the top and take risks with learning, as that is when we make our biggest leaps forward.

The Eagle

Aiming high to achieve the best we can be, and soaring high to reach our potential.

The Dolphin

When children enjoy their learning, they will achieve more.